Line of Demarcation

June 12, 2009 6:28 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
Wednesday morning when I work up the first words that popped into my mind were "If you don't have a line of demarcation, where do you draw the line?" Now I'm not normally real clear about anything in the morning until after I get my shower, but this was right there and very clear. When I looked up the definition of "demarcation" I found the following: A conceptual separation or distinction. The act of establishing limits or boundaries. That last part seemed very important to me. The "act" of establishing limits or boundaries. I think we should be actively working to establish those boundaries in our life. Because if we aren't doing it; the world around us will do it. Satan will do it. And before we know it our line of demarcation has changed and we have slowly began to allow things in our lives that we shouldn't have. What is acceptable changes as the line of demarcation moves outward. What are you doing in your life to establish your limits and boundaries? Are you going to the Word? Or are you letting the world do it for you?

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