open journel/blog reading Walking with God

June 03, 2009 5:47 PM | Anonymous member
Ok maybe we can do this online I will begin reading walking with God and if someone will join me I am interested in how you feel while reading this book. I will post once a week. Up until loosing Dez I have believed in a big picture God. He will show up when you really need him, he loves to do that and is famous for doing just that, or is he an every day every minute God involved in even simple pleasure. Does God talk like a GPS, as long as your on route he is silent, if you get off course he will chime in and say,"It appears you have left the route, please reenter at you earliest convenience." It doesn't matter how far off course we wander he is not the least bit upset or disconcerted he simply reroutes you back to the "path". But is God as intimate as Eldredge makes him sound in his books. Would God lead you to a place of beauty simply for pleasures sake or is that a trivial pursuit in the midst of this battle for the lost.


  • June 12, 2009 2:21 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
    I pray that He is. To "have life, and have it to the full" to me includes those simple pleasures that astound us; renew our energy and capture our hearts. He knows us and what drives us; how to motivate and refuel us and if that is bringing you to a place of beauty simply for pleasure; then I think that is what He does.
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