Walking with God, Take 2

July 26, 2009 4:46 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)
Today's topic: If we don't set aside time to allow Jesus to walk with us, then other less desirable spirits will take His place. Let me give you an example. I was honored, and humbled, when I was recently asked to lead Sunday service at the Warrior Family Camping trip on the Grand Mesa. Deciding what the subject of my message (actually God's message) would be was easy. I'd already been preparing a message about becoming a warrior that I was to present at an upcoming Warrior breakfast, and thought, "It'll be easy...I'll just tie-in additional info about the courage of our Founding Fathers...then I'll be set." During the two weeks leading up to the camp-out, God definitely lead me in my preparation. The problem arose when I found no time to fine-tune the message, nor practice it. I suddenly got very busy...relatives were visiting and one of our grandsons was with us for an extended stay, Combining that with the normal everyday workload it was obvious I was running out of time. Then I thought, "Once we get our camp setup in the mountains, it'll be quiet and peaceful, so I'll be able to review the materials in detail. No such luck. We ended up having a full schedule as we enjoyed our time with our fellow campers. Then, the negative spirits began to creep in saying things like, "You won't be able to focus" or "You won't be able to stay on topic" or "Your message will never flow right." Then, with about 30 minutes to go before service I found some "alone" time. I said, "Wait a minute! I'm trying to do all this on my own! God wants to help. He gave me the inspiration. He gave me the topic. He led me to the materials I needed." So, I prayed out loud...and I listened. Then he said, "You have everything you need. Just speak from your heart." As a result, things went well. Lesson learned: Two-way communication with Jesus, makes it possible to discern the spirits and makes things so much easier when you know you're hearing from Him.


  • July 27, 2009 6:41 AM | Anonymous member
    thats great it is suppossed to be a simbiotic relationship but is very difficult to maintain, not sure why.
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  • July 27, 2009 7:45 AM | Anonymous
    You didn't do just "well" Pat. You did EXTREMELY WELL!! We were all very blessed by your message. I will never forget it my friend.
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