walking with God

July 27, 2009 10:42 AM | Anonymous member
I want to know why, but I get nothing, nothing from God and nothing good from friends. Eldredge says why is the wrong question, he says that "what do you want me to learn from this," is the better ? I was really struggling with this the other AM while reading Desrire. I have avoided this book for some time but finally picked it up. As I looked at it lying on the coffee table I saw the letters that made up the title and it occured to me that I only needed to add one letter to make up my deceased daughters name. ( That even hurts to write that just now) But by adding an "A" between the 'r' and the 'e', you change it to Desirae. I began asking why and was very sad and frustrated to get nothing, again. As I contemplated this, ( I knew God wouldn't answer,) I was taught a lesson by my 4 year old grandson 'Derek'. I told him to go back inside and finish his breakfast that he had just insisted that I make for him. HE answered with a sullen "Why". I have been trying to get him to stop arguing and do as he is told, and stop asking 'why' every time I, or anyone else tells him to do something. Now I wonder if that is how I sound to God when I ask why...again...and again.


  • July 27, 2009 8:01 AM | Anonymous
    I really think Wayde that we have been "ingrained" to the maximum amount we can be the worldly way of having to have everything RIGHT NOW. I know I have this worldly disease. I want my answers and I want them yesterday please! It is so hard to get out of this habit. I'm not used to waiting upon anything...not even the Lord. So, I am struggling too. Most of the time I am way too distracted by life and all it's craziness to even sit still and begin to listen. And even when I do, I find it hard to stay still for very long. This world is full of distractions, have it now, have it your way, no payments or interest for 90 days, remote control, buy now buttons, microwave food, fully loaded energy drinks, and instant gratification. No wonder we can't hear God! We are too busy making ourselves too busy! Why? Because the world has stained us, drained us, and given us the fast lane 24/7. So, what I wonder is what really is the life God intended us to live? My hope is that I will find the slower lane. The one that I dream about where life isn't so crazy. Where I'm not required to be in such a darn hurry. And the life where I can lay down my anxiety, nervousness, caffeine addicted, fast lane addicted self and feel ok for being quiet, slowed down, and connected to my heart. Hang in there my friend and thank you for taking the time to write in this blog and especially for your genuine honesty!!
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